
Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hello everyone! Its been long since i shared any scrap projects but i have a piece good news to share. A month ago, Sandy from KCK asked me to guest design for them. I was so elated when i was offered this opportunity. It was indeed a great honor to guest design a layout using the lovely Destination line from Simple stories. Indeed, it feels good when your work is recognised. (:

Quite frankly, i have never heard of the brand, Simple stories before but i was so amazed by how versatile the papers were. I have found a newfound love. I need to look out for where i spend my money.

Do read more about it here.

Also, here to share another layout. It is a 8.5by11 layout on the October Afternoon's 5 Dime papers. This is by far one of my favourite OA lines and i simply love the sweet vintagy edge to it.

Notice a recurring pattern? I am in love with brads now. Haha. I am finding ways and means to use brads on every layout i have. That includes putting some charms, making hidden journals or using strings to tie in between two brads. I love how they complete a layout. (;

So whats on your scrap table now? Mine is a big mess as i have temporary stopped scrapping since i am still marking the scripts. I hope to find some inspiration soon!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a new beginning

I have been wanting to post some of my thoughts about GE here but i just havent found the time to do so. On the scrapping side, i have been scrapping less as my exam markings are all in and i have been terribly lazy to scrap anything but i will be back to share some good news soon! Please stay tune..

These past few days have been fruitful. With the 9 days running towards the elections, you could sense that Singaporeans were no longer apathetic as they used to be. Social media has been able to paint a clearer picture from the sides of both opposition and the PAP. Citizens were able to make a more informed choice on who they should vote for. It was my first time voting as a citizen and i treated that maiden opportunity seriously.

So to sum up the whole entire experience, i would like to quote a few lines from the article 'A New Hope' written by the online citizen which ideally highlights how i feel Singapore should move forward to.

"Change is always disconcerting, and often frightening, and sometimes may not pay off. However, we will never know the outcome or reap any rewards that may come if we don’t take the plunge. If Singaporeans have not taken the leap of faith and picked a young and relatively unproven Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his party to chart their future, the Singapore of today would not exist."

So from whatever perspective you are looking at from, change was inevitable. Citizens voted for change and they were willing to lose some good ministers at the expense of it but at the same time, change was needed as they voted in MPs whom they deemed could best serve their needs and to be heard in Parliament.

No matter who we voted for, i think what is more important is that we voted with our hearts and conscience and at the end of the day, you cant deny that we voted based on the one principle - we love Singapore and we want our future to be better.

My two cents worth...

Have a great week ahead !
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